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    the authorization code is invalid or has expired

    ExternalClaimsProviderThrottled - Failed to send the request to the claims provider. Check your app's code to ensure that you have specified the exact resource URL for the resource you're trying to access. InvalidRedirectUri - The app returned an invalid redirect URI. For refresh tokens sent to a redirect URI registered as spa, the refresh token expires after 24 hours. The browser must visit the login page in a top level frame in order to see the login session. This article describes low-level protocol details usually required only when manually crafting and issuing raw HTTP requests to execute the flow, which we do not recommend. This topic was automatically closed 24 hours after the last reply. The client credentials aren't valid. They can maintain access to resources for extended periods. Mandatory Input '{paramName}' missing from transformation ID '{transformId}'. For information on error. I get the below error back many times per day when users post to /token. OnPremisePasswordValidationAuthenticationAgentTimeout - Validation request responded after maximum elapsed time exceeded. If this is unexpected, see the conditional access policy that applied to this request in the Azure Portal or contact your administrator. For additional information, please visit. Applications using the Authorization Code Flow will call the /token endpoint to exchange authorization codes for access tokens and to refresh access tokens when they expire. NotSupported - Unable to create the algorithm. Contact the tenant admin. Contact your IDP to resolve this issue. Authorization isn't approved. The request requires user interaction. ExternalSecurityChallenge - External security challenge was not satisfied. {resourceCloud} - cloud instance which owns the resource. The client requested silent authentication (, Another authentication step or consent is required. This exception is thrown for blocked tenants. The scopes must all be from a single resource, along with OIDC scopes (, The application secret that you created in the app registration portal for your app. The required claim is missing. SubjectNames/SubjectAlternativeNames (up to 10) in token certificate are: {certificateSubjects}. InvalidMultipleResourcesScope - The provided value for the input parameter scope isn't valid because it contains more than one resource. To learn more, see the troubleshooting article for error. This documentation is provided for developer and admin guidance, but should never be used by the client itself. Authorization Server at Authorization Endpoint validates the authentication request and uses the request parameters to determine whether the user is already authenticated. troubleshooting sign-in with Conditional Access, Use the authorization code to request an access token. Decline - The issuing bank has questions about the request. This is a common error that's expected when a user is unauthenticated and has not yet signed in.If this error is encountered in an SSO context where the user has previously signed in, this means that the SSO session was either not found or invalid.This error may be returned to the application if prompt=none is specified. 2. To learn more, see the troubleshooting article for error. AADSTS901002: The 'resource' request parameter isn't supported. If this user should be able to log in, add them as a guest. Hasnain Haider. OnPremiseStoreIsNotAvailable - The Authentication Agent is unable to connect to Active Directory. License Authorization: Status: AUTHORIZED on Sep 22 12:41:02 2021 EDT Last Communication Attempt: FAILED on Sep 22 12:41:02 2021 EDT BadResourceRequest - To redeem the code for an access token, the app should send a POST request to the. MalformedDiscoveryRequest - The request is malformed. Authorization is pending. To learn more, see the troubleshooting article for error. SubjectMismatchesIssuer - Subject mismatches Issuer claim in the client assertion. The auth code flow requires a user-agent that supports redirection from the authorization server (the Microsoft identity platform) back to your application. The user should be asked to enter their password again. Request the user to log in again. For more information, see Permissions and consent in the Microsoft identity platform. Either an admin or a user revoked the tokens for this user, causing subsequent token refreshes to fail and require reauthentication. How to handle: Request a new token. This error is non-standard. SignoutInvalidRequest - Unable to complete sign out. Usage of the /common endpoint isn't supported for such applications created after '{time}'. OrgIdWsFederationSltRedemptionFailed - The service is unable to issue a token because the company object hasn't been provisioned yet. For example, a web browser, desktop, or mobile application operated by a user to sign in to your app and access their data. This error can occur because of a code defect or race condition. The application requested an ID token from the authorization endpoint, but did not have ID token implicit grant enabled. Is there any way to refresh the authorization code? Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Since the access key is what's incorrect, I would try trimming your URI param to http://<namespace>.servicebus.windows.net . Either a managed user needs to register security info to complete multi-factor authentication, or a federated user needs to get the multi-factor claim from the federated identity provider. Apps that take a dependency on text or error code numbers will be broken over time. Let me know if this was the issue. An error code string that can be used to classify types of errors that occur, and should be used to react to errors. Common causes: User revokes access to your application. Resolution steps. For more detail on refreshing an access token, refer to, A JSON Web Token. This is described in the OAuth 2.0 error code specification RFC 6749 - The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework. The app can use this token to authenticate to the secured resource, such as a web API. Protocol error, such as a missing required parameter. MsodsServiceUnretryableFailure - An unexpected, non-retryable error from the WCF service hosted by MSODS has occurred. See. The provided authorization code could be invalid, expired, revoked, does not match the redirection URI used in the authorization request, or was issued to another client. Invalid domain name - No tenant-identifying information found in either the request or implied by any provided credentials. Plus Unity UI tells me that I'm still logged in, I do not understand the issue. FWIW, if anyone else finds this page via a search engine: we had the same error message, but the password was correct. The resolution is to use a custom sign-in widget which authenticates first the user and then authorizes them to access the OpenID Connect application. InvalidUserNameOrPassword - Error validating credentials due to invalid username or password. UserStrongAuthEnrollmentRequiredInterrupt - User needs to enroll for second factor authentication (interactive). If this user should be able to log in, add them as a guest. How long the access token is valid, in seconds. Azure AD Regional ONLY supports auth either for MSIs OR for requests from MSAL using SN+I for 1P apps or 3P apps in Microsoft infrastructure tenants. Check the apps logic to ensure that token caching is implemented, and that error conditions are handled correctly. The following table shows 400 errors with description. Invalid or null password: password doesn't exist in the directory for this user. If a required parameter is missing from the request. This error is a development error typically caught during initial testing. Step 1) You need to go to settings by tapping on three vertical dots on the top right corner. Below is a minimum configuration for a custom sign-in widget to support both authentication and authorization. Our scenario was this: users are centrally managed in Active Directory a user could log in via https but could NOT login via API this user had a "1" as suffix in his GitLab username (compared to the AD username) Device used during the authentication is disabled. You may need to update the version of the React and AuthJS SDKS to resolve it. {valid_verbs} represents a list of HTTP verbs supported by the endpoint (for example, POST), {invalid_verb} is an HTTP verb used in the current request (for example, GET). UserDeclinedConsent - User declined to consent to access the app. Contact the tenant admin. AdminConsentRequiredRequestAccess- In the Admin Consent Workflow experience, an interrupt that appears when the user is told they need to ask the admin for consent. This part of the error is provided so that the app can react appropriately to the error, but does not explain in depth why an error occurred. 1. The suggestion to this issue is to get a fiddler trace of the error occurring and looking to see if the request is actually properly formatted or not. The code_challenge value was invalid, such as not being base64 encoded. Or, check the application identifier in the request to ensure it matches the configured client application identifier. New replies are no longer allowed. The redirect address specified by the client does not match any configured addresses or any addresses on the OIDC approve list. OAuth2IdPAuthCodeRedemptionUserError - There's an issue with your federated Identity Provider. Looks as though it's Unauthorized because expiry etc. Send an interactive authorization request for this user and resource. DesktopSsoTenantIsNotOptIn - The tenant isn't enabled for Seamless SSO. A unique identifier for the request that can help in diagnostics across components. This type of error should occur only during development and be detected during initial testing. The app has made too many of the same request in too short a period, indicating that it is in a faulty state or is abusively requesting tokens. SignoutInitiatorNotParticipant - Sign out has failed. Limit on telecom MFA calls reached. Additional refresh tokens acquired using the initial refresh token carries over that expiration time, so apps must be prepared to re-run the authorization code flow using an interactive authentication to get a new refresh token every 24 hours. Use the auth code flow paired with Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) and OpenID Connect (OIDC) to get access tokens and ID tokens in these types of apps: The OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow is described in section 4.1 of the OAuth 2.0 specification. The server is temporarily too busy to handle the request. This might be because there was no signing key configured in the app. This information is preliminary and subject to change. If it's your own tenant policy, you can change your restricted tenant settings to fix this issue. Use a tenant-specific endpoint or configure the application to be multi-tenant. ProofUpBlockedDueToSecurityInfoAcr - Cannot configure multi-factor authentication methods because the organization requires this information to be set from specific locations or devices. Apps can use this parameter during reauthentication, after already extracting the, If included, the app skips the email-based discovery process that user goes through on the sign-in page, leading to a slightly more streamlined user experience. Retry with a new authorize request for the resource. To request access to admin-restricted scopes, you should request them directly from a Global Administrator. suppose you are using postman to and you got the code from v1/authorize endpoint. Or, sign-in was blocked because it came from an IP address with malicious activity. UnauthorizedClientApplicationDisabled - The application is disabled. The refresh token is used to obtain a new access token and new refresh token. Any help is appreciated! This indicates that the redirect URI used to request the token has not been marked as a spa redirect URI. DesktopSsoIdentityInTicketIsNotAuthenticated - Kerberos authentication attempt failed. Next, if the invite code is invalid, you won't be able to join the server. Your application needs to expect and handle errors returned by the token issuance endpoint. Solution. This code indicates the resource, if it exists, hasn't been configured in the tenant. Check to make sure you have the correct tenant ID. A unique identifier for the request that can help in diagnostics across components. The client application isn't permitted to request an authorization code. UserStrongAuthClientAuthNRequired - Due to a configuration change made by the admin such as a Conditional Access policy, per-user enforcement, or because you moved to a new location, the user must use multi-factor authentication to access the resource.

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